Georgia Therapist: Helping Individuals with Anxiety, Trauma, and Chronic Illness


Online Counseling in Georgia

Radha Wellness



Now Accepting New Clients via Telehealth (Secure Online Video)

Counseling Services in Georgia

Specializing in Anxiety, Stress, Trauma, Panic Attacks, Chronic Illness, Mindfulness, and Mind-body Therapy

We live in a fast pace, on the go, busy world. Everyone looks like they have it all together. Let’s be real. What you are seeing is not what’s really happening, it is just a presentation. What’s really going on behind all the pretty pictures and on the inside? Are you experiencing the joy, peace, and happiness life has to offer or you do you battle anxiety, fear, and/or health issues?

You are not alone.

Maybe you have just noticed feelings of anxiety, stress and overwhelm or maybe you have been trying to figure this out for a while now, yet you still don’t feel like you are truly enjoying life. You struggle with anxiety even doing the things that you have been told are “suppose to” help with anxiety. Feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and anxious on a daily basis is no way to go through life.

Are you overwhelmed, stressed, worried or panicked?

Does your anxiety interfere with your relationships, work, and daily enjoyment of life?

Is a good night sleep hard to get?

Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and struggle with feelings of fear, fatigue, sadness, and frustration?

If this sounds like you, you are in the right place.

You can do this.

Seeking therapy doesn’t mean “something is wrong with you”. It means you may be seeking clarity, working through complex emotions, wanting to work through a trauma experience, understand yourself and relationships better, find a pace of life that fits your inner world, and find more connection and meaning in life. Therapy is about growth, movement, understanding and ultimately creating lasting changes that have you living the internal and external life you want. Learning what is in the way and what is needed to live your authentic life.

No matter where we are in life, it is important for all individuals to know their potential and the possibilities the journey of life has to offer. I am honored to help individuals learn how to move through their lives with awareness, compassion, and safety. I offer a free 15 minutes phone consultation. Whether you are new to therapy or therapy savvy this is an opportunity for us to connect and make sure we are a good fit

N. Radha Tilghman, M.Ed, LMT, LPC

I offer a free 15 minute phone consultation for counseling services


Anxiety & Stress


Chronic Illness


Health is a relationship between your mind, body and soul.
